Bookstagram 101 · Uncategorized

Bookstagram Advice: Photo Props Ideas on a Budget

If you’ve scrolled through bookstagram, you’ve probably come across thousands of gorgeous photos. The majority of them most likely have props, and sometimes the props make the pictures pop the way you want them to. Props are great because they fill out a photo. Depending on what you want your picture to portray, you can…… Continue reading Bookstagram Advice: Photo Props Ideas on a Budget

Bookstagram 101 · Uncategorized

Bookstagram Advice from Bookstagrammers

Ah, bookstagram. A wonderful and supportive community on Instagram full of users who talk about books and post some of the prettiest photos that will keep you scrolling for hours. It’s a community I’ve been part of since 2016, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Over the years, I’ve received…… Continue reading Bookstagram Advice from Bookstagrammers

Bookstagram 101 · Uncategorized

How I Edit My Warm and Cozy Instagram Photos using VSCO

Today I’m going to answer the question I get asked constantly: how do you edit your bookstagram photos? I get asked which apps I use, if I make my own presets, etc… To be honest, a lot of work goes into one photo. I mess around with my setting constantly to achieve the exact look…… Continue reading How I Edit My Warm and Cozy Instagram Photos using VSCO